~Surf the Break~
Above all a shout out to Fabraptor for an excellent 1st template. Great job, good mix and perfect timing! Thanks As some of you know I recently started learning how to surf. I was looking for a song to channel the adrenaline you feel when the wave comes up behind you...and this is the song. I could see this song in some surf movie!! Needs bass, vocals and lead! Surf's up dudes and dudettes 🏄🏻 🏖 cheers, rp3
8 years ago

8 years ago

8 years ago

I wish you the best on your surfing. One of the best sports in the world for me.
Excellent drumming! +1
Excellent drumming! +1
8 years ago

I was an expert skier 20 years ago, to cold and dangerous now! Surfing is a new horizon, very excited. Thanks...
8 years ago

8 years ago

8 years ago

8 years ago

8 years ago

8 years ago

SO cool... Listening to you track after track I can recognize you play's siganture...
Love these transitions and intro... Thanks^^ +1
Love these transitions and intro... Thanks^^ +1
8 years ago

Thanks Stan for the compliment. Have always strive to have my own unique sounds and style, seems to finally be happening...
8 years ago

8 years ago

8 years ago

Punk-Rock backing tracks with Drums and Guitar:
~Surf the Break~
Crisis Shouts
Fly with me
Rocking on the free World
🔪 Razors Edge...
Don't Toast My Cookies
All the best to everyone
Freedom never dies
Hard ´n´Heavy roots
Punky February
demon to fashion
Take that you Hippie
...a Bad Day 🌇
-4 Whips-
amp test 2 Rockabillypunk
Kicking It Around
cricket jester
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